SSEG - Small Scaled Embedded Generation
How does a grid-tied solar PV system work?
Here is a basic overview of how grid-tied solar power systems work:
1. During the day the sunlight that shines on your solar panels/modules is converted into DC
electricity (the semiconductor material in the PV module performs this conversion).
2. This DC electricity is conducted to an inverter which converts it into AC electricity.
3. The inverter feeds the AC electricity into the switchboard of your house.
4. This AC electricity is used to power your house.
Any surplus power will be fed onto the local grid (reverse feed-in). If you have reverse power-flow blocking,
the power will not be fed back onto the grid. If there is a power outage at the power utility, the EG will
switch off and stop operating until the grid is switched back on.
How much space does a solar PV system need?
The rule of thumb is 1.8m² for each standard 250Wp module installed flat on the roof’s surface, and 2.6m² for 250Wp modules installed at a tilted angle different to the roof surface. This will vary based on the efficiency of the module. Alternatively, 10m² is required for each kWp of PV. Spacing is required in-between the rows of tilted angle modules to avoid one module shading another (also known as intermodule or mutual shading).
Example: If you want to install 2kWp of solar PV on your roof at a tilt angle, you need 8 modules of 250W x 2.6m² = 20.8m² OR 2kWp x 10m² = 20m² of space.
Spacing between the rows of tilted angle modules prevents modules from shading one another (also known as inter-module, or mutual, shading). It is not advisable to install PV on roof areas with regular shading because this will limit the overall performance of the system.
Types of solar PV SSEG systems
What are the different types of solar PV SSEG system?
There are 4 basic types of PV SSEG system. Other systems are hybrids or combinations of these systems.
Off-grid or standalone systems operate continously, independent of the local utility grid. There is thus no utility connection and batteries are used as a base supply. Solar energy charges the batteries; the DC power from the batteries is converted to AC using a battery inverter. The generator can be used to charge the batteries or supply the house when there is insufficient solar power. In an urban setting, off-grid systems may be used for specific applications such as a pool pump not connected to the internal wiring of the house.
Grid-tied feed-in systems need the utility grid to connect and operate. Solar power is converted to AC by the grid-tied inverter. The house uses solar power first and uses power from the grid if there is not enough energy coming from the PV modules. Surplus solar energy that is not needed by the house is exported back onto the grid.
Island or hybrid systems are connected to the grid, but can function like an off-grid system when needed. An island system can provide AC power from DC power source as an isolated system. Even if AC power is available from the local grid, the system can temporarily disconnect from the grid and function independently.
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